I’m Jami St-Hilaire

CHNC – Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant

Helping You Reclaim Your Health Through Holistic Wellness.


Click here to learn about the wellness programs we offer.


Click here to visit our shop for meal plans and more!

What Makes Peak Holistic Health So Different?

Holistic approaches encompass the entirety of a person’s being – their mind, body, and spirit. Rather than solely addressing physical health, I delve into mental and social well-being, recognizing that health concerns often run deeper than surface symptoms suggest. In my programs, emphasis is placed on whole foods over ultra-processed options. We educate on reading ingredient labels, navigating marketing strategies, and nurturing the body, mind, and soul. This isn’t about fitting macros; it’s about nourishing the body so thoroughly that cravings for artificial substitutes become obsolete.

Making a lifestyle change can be scary.

… but you’re not alone! As your coach, I will be here to help, guide and support you. Being part of my program means your own personal cheerleader – I’m just an email or call away and I want to help you succeed!

Do I have to give up eating everything I like?

No – that’s the beauty of the individualized approach mentioned above. Generally, there are several ways to improve the quality of your favourite foods and make them more nourishing. Included in the PEAK recipe book are plenty of satisfying meals and many healthy alternatives to your favourite treats, such as blondies and brownies.

What type of foods will I be eating?

We will focus on including as many whole foods as possible while drastically reducing ultra-processed foods and foods of convenience. My program is very pro-animal foods, therefore my recommendations and recipes will reflect that. I do not accept vegan or vegetarian clients for this reason. We will also focus on eating seasonally and locally to maximize cost and nutrients. Organic foods are not a requirement, though some suggestions will be made to reduce exposure to glyphosate & other harmful endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Do you follow a specific diet type, like Keto?

I wouldn’t label my program anything in specific. It is very whole foods oriented. However, I am adamant about proper blood sugar management, and dietary (and lifestyle) measures are taken to address this. Everyone’s recommendations are different.

What if I’m too scared/anxious/nervous to go into a gym?

Everyone started somewhere. Almost everyone is nervous when they start something new, and they generally suck at it. And that’s okay. Everyone is in the gym to improve. You cannot improve something without working at it. It may take time, but with proper routine and effort, you will eventually feel right at home, promise.

What is the exercise regimen?

You will be given a strength and conditioning program every month including 5 training days, 1 active recovery day, and one full rest day per week. You will also be given a target step goal to complete every day.

About Jami

Hi! My name is Jami. I’m a certified holistic nutritionist, a mom, avid equestrian and lover of all things health and fitness. I am focused, determined, and thorough.

My goal is to help you assemble the tools and create the habits to live a happy, healthy, nutritious life in a manner that is sustainable. I focus on whole foods to nourish your body and mind and movement to build lean muscle mass and improve cardiovascular and metabolic health.

If you feel like you are ready to take charge of your health for the long term, you’ve come to the right place.



4 month commitment, 24/7 access to coach, weekly check in via phone and email plus more!


5 month commitment, 24/7 access to coach, custom macros, weekly check in via phone and email and more!

Nutrition Coaching

Available to clients who have completed a full Altitude or Summit program.

“I was very nervous embarking on this journey. I didn’t want a traditional coach who just told me to eat less & workout more… or don’t be so lazy type of thing. Jami took the time to understand what was going on inside my body. I feel like that’s the difference. Once we pegged the issues internally, the external changes started to reflect the changes.”