Client Feedback

Celebrating success in a wellness journey is very important.

I absolutely loved having Jami as a fitness and nutrition coach. She was so understanding of real life, yet really made me want to be successful and stick to the program. The daily communication and weekly check-ins are such useful tools she uses for success.
Jess B.

I would say it was amazing and more than I thought it would be when I first started. It definitely wasn’t always easy.. But nothing worth working for is and neither is starting to work out for the first time and ridding yourself of old habits. But Jami was there every step of the way and was very encouraging!!
Nadine C.

I was very nervous embarking on this journey. I didn’t want a traditional coach who just told me to eat less & workout more… or don’t be so lazy type of thing. Jami took the time to understand what was going on inside my body. I feel like that’s the difference. Once we pegged the issues internally, the external changes started to reflect the changes.
Holly M.

“Working with Jami has been fundamental in improving my relationship with food. She brings everything back to basics and, through practice over the months, it’s become easy for me to make simple and delicious meals that are balanced and fuel my body. I feel like a brand new person. I am so proud and so grateful. I feel like I understand food better, and I understand my body better.”

Holly M.

I was very nervous embarking on this journey. I didn’t want a traditional coach who just told me to eat less & workout more… or don’t be so lazy type of thing. Jami took the time to understand what was going on inside my body. I feel like that’s the difference. Once we pegged the issues internally, the external changes started to reflect the changes.

Danielle L.

Jami, I pulled out my pre-pregnancy jeans this morning because everything I’ve been wearing is literally falling off of me. I don’t feel like I’m deprived and feel like I actually know how to do this on my own now. Thank you thank you thank you, you’ve helped me find so much of my confidence back. And major bonus, my husband has lost 15 lbs and my kids are eating healthier since I started feeding myself better.

Jazz G.

It just made me so happy to look back on my 2 months progress and see the weight I’ve dropped but also so proud of how much I’ve learned over this short amount of time. So thank you, I couldn’t do this without you!

Meagan O.

Working with Jami has been fundamental in improving my relationship with food. She brings everything back to basics and, through practice over the months, it’s become easy for me to make simple and delicious meals that are balanced and fuel my body.

I feel like a brand new person. I am so proud and so grateful. I feel like I understand food better, and I understand my body better.

Kristina O.

My experience was life changing.

Jess B.

I absolutely loved having Jami as a fitness and nutrition coach. She was so understanding of real life, yet really made me want to be successful and stick to the program. The daily communication and weekly check-ins are such useful tools she uses for success.

Sara W.

I learned so much throughout the experience, reaching goals I had lost all hope for and now leaving the program I feel so confident in my ability to continue on living a healthy lifestyle while reaching new goals.

Amy B.

Jami is a great coach. She knows the perfect amount to push you but knows not to go too far over the edge. She also understands what goes on in life and that you can’t always stay on track with your nutrition and training. Even from my program from last year, I learned even more.

Mary B.

Fun, easy, and informative. You made this journey fun and rewarding!

Abby B.

Jami was so awesome! Very helpful and has great food/recipe ideas. I learned SOOO much on this program. I found lots of healthy ways to exercise and enjoy it. I learned a lot about portion sizes and macros.


Nicole A.

This was very helpful long-term.

Erica P.

I eat whole, really healthy food and I enjoy it! I am not bloated anymore. I don’t abuse alcohol like I did. I am cooking amazing meals for my family again. My energy and confidence are up.

Tara H.

My energy is up! My mood is up! My body feels good! I’m getting back to ME.

Nadine C.

I would say it was amazing and more than I thought it would be when I first started. It definitely wasn’t always easy.. But nothing worth working for is and neither is starting to work out for the first time and ridding yourself of old habits. But Jami was there every step of the way and was very encouraging!!

Laken K.

I’m able to play with my kids on the floor easily, my energy is up, my joints don’t hurt just from waking up in the morning; my guts feel good.

RaeAnne H.

This has completely changed my life! The improvement in my energy and level of stress is wild! I can’t believe how much my food choices were controlling this.

Alissa O.

Absolutely appreciated how there were no meal plans. This is something I was not so sure of at first… but now I get it! Educating the client goes a longer way than telling the client what to eat. I have been doing this solo for a month now and am still losing because there was no strict meal plan!

Lauren H.

I have been sleeping better, I have more energy to do things after work. This has completely changed how I look at food and my life from now on.