July 30, 2024

Why I don’t do MEAL PLANS

One of the top questions I get is: ‘Do you do meal plans?’

The answer is no; let me explain why.

First off, something most don’t know is that unless you are a registered dietitian or a licensed physician, you are not legally allowed to prescribe a meal plan. So.. all of those coaches online that provide cookie-cutter meal plans? Red flag.

That said, let’s actually move onto the MAIN reason why I don’t do meal plans. Short story: they don’t work.

Everybody is different, therefore, their nutrition requirements will differ. What a metabolically healthy athlete requires is very different from what someone with Type 2 Diabetes will require. While a meal plan can provide the structure for someone to start meal planning and learning to put meals together, it’s not going to teach you anything. My programs revolve hugely around educating the client. If I were to provide a meal plan for the client, like many do all over, my client would have great results, sure. However, like most people, once the program finishes, the client would eventually revert back to what they were doing prior.


This is because a person will only eat 150g of chicken, 100g of rice, with 100g of broccoli (insert yawn) for lunch for so long. If they don’t know how to make a well-balanced meal without referring to xyz recipes provided to them (that they’ve now eaten for months on end, repeatedly), they will either:

A) Refer back to what they were doing (and enjoying) before the program OR

B) Google/Pinterest/etc ‘healthy recipes’ and take that at face value.

Fun fact: not everything we read on the internet is true. Not that everyone has ill-intent, but it’s pretty safe to say that the common idea of ‘healthy food’ can be pretty skewed. Between the government pushing ultra-processed, plant-based foods, RDs being paid to promote sugar, and clever marketing tactics, it’s no wonder the world is so confused about food.

SO! If I don’t do meal plans… what the heck DO I do?!

I work closely with each client on their own personalized nutrition. When the intake forms are returned, I am already building a plan. Yes, there are food recommendations and an example menu made for them, taking their preferences into account. However, these can be modified or changed altogether – it does not need to be followed. It’s simply a visual for them to see. It also includes no portion sizes. I also include several recommendations, including protein targets for each meal, placement of meals, and post-meal movement. Before the client starts even their first day, they build the menu THEY want (if it differs from the one I provided), and they send it to me to vet.

If there are changes required, they are made and the client is educated on WHY these changes were required. Maybe a meal is more suited to a more active time of day, maybe a meal requires more fruits or veggies, and most often, a higher quantity of protein. From there, WE START! That’s just the beginning!

From there, we communicate daily via the app and you receive daily feedback on your nutrition and are provided with a strength and conditioning program. We check in weekly via email and phone call where we dive into much more than what shows up on the scale. We talk about how you feel, how your energy/mood are, what you are proud of, what you liked, what you struggled with, and what you’d like to improve on in the next week.

This is so much more than just following a diet plan or ‘looking good for summer’. The clients I work with truly want to improve their health and address the nitty gritty.


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If you’d like more info and would like to book a FREE 15-minute consult, go to http://www.peakholistichealth.com and scroll to the bottom and look for the button that says ‘SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION WITH JAMI BY CLICKING HERE’

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